How to Classify the paintings of an artist using Convolutional Neural Network

Original Article was published on Data Spoof Blog

Abhishek Singh
6 min readSep 23, 2020


In this article, I will explore how we can use Pytorch to solve an image classification problems of multiple classes. Pytorch comes with a lot of tools and libraries that help in solving our problem. Pytorch provides modules in the range from a high level like torch.nn module( It is used for creating neural networks) to low-level autograd functions. Most of the deep learning researchers use the PyTorch framework to do their tasks. Pytorch is written in c++, Python, and Scala language to make our life easier.

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Recently I have visited an art gallery where 100 paintings are hanging on their wall. It is very difficult for normal human beings to classify paintings of different artists. So there comes deep learning technology to help in the identification of paintings by different artists.

Image by Pexels. : Link —
Image by Pexels



Abhishek Singh
Abhishek Singh

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